Abby & Diesel Bitework
This is Diesel, he belongs to Abby which is one of our trainers. He is only eight months old, super confident, with a great protection drive. Abby has done a fantastic job raising and training him which is a huge testament to her training abilities. We've only done 3 or 4 sessions of bite work with him, but he is really turning out to be a great protection dog already. He is able to turn off the aggression as soon as the threat is over, a good release and a full mouth bite. Great Job Diesel & Abby
Teaching Stay
This is a quick demonstration of teaching your dog to stay when you're not right there close by.
This Is What Facility Training Play Time Looks Like
It’s important that the dog has a good time while their learning the art of being a GREAT DOG!
Facility Training Play Time
Protection Dog Training Evaluation
Kodak and Sam
Teaching this German Shepherd how to help his owner maneuver around in a wheelchair.
Nothing better than getting in some snuggles before work begins!
George getting in some “cuddle time” before classes resume!
Our beautiful Inga
Our beautiful old soul, Sam the Chihuahua!
Our big boy, Kodak